Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Life Coaching Tips using Creative Mnemonic Devices

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Showing posts with label Homepage. Show all posts

Examples of Perseverance in Everyday Life

Patience Vs Perseverance Vs Persistence 

Patience is endurance during challenging situations while perseverance is steady patience; everytime, until the desired goal is achieved. Patience is short term while perseverance is long term. Patience is an incident while perseverance is an event, episode or epic.
Patience Acronym Perseverance
Patience Acronym Perseverance

Persistence is continue to do action inspite of difficulties and obstacles.Having admiring personal thoughts and attitude is one of the five vital elements of Intrapersonal skills. Here are typical characteristics of intrapersonal characteristics that some people love to develop as part of their personal attitude: Patience and perseverance, persistence.

List of Empathy Questions with Examples

Effective questioning is one of the vital elements of verbal communication skills and you need both your intrapersonal and interpersonal skills to succeed in this art. Besides effective transition statements and rapport building phrases, effective Questioning skills is one of the basics of communication and you must develop the art of questioning as it not only helps in building a interesting relationship with others but also helps you to solve conflicts in many personal and professional life events. So, whether you are trying to show empathy and compassion with your kid, or you are attempting emotional intelligence questions in a job interview, this simple mnemonic, EPRODUCTION can come handy as it summarizes different types of questions.

Different types of empathy questions with a list of examples using EPRODUCTION mnemonic:
  • Empathetic
  • Probing
  • Rhetoric
  • Open
  • Declarative
  • Unuttered
  • Close
  • Tag
  • Imaginative
  • One word
  • Negative
    Rapport Questions Examples
    Empathy Questions
    Examples List

Examples of Roles and Responsibilities in Life with List of Examples

List of Different Life Roles People in Life
List of Different Life
Roles People in Life

Life roles are set of responsibilities every individual is perceived to posses, exhibit and act from the day of birth till death. People play different life roles; the responsibilities and duties may change according to age, gender, location and ones' own attitude. It is your life skill, both intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence, to be aware of your own roles so that you can either change it by initiating personal change, manage it or cherish various roles of your life. Once you know what are different roles in everyday life you will be able understand your needs and the needs demanded by the society

List of Assertive, Aggressive and Passive Phrases and Statements with Examples

Besides self consideration, considering others, putting yourself in other person shoes, which is called empathy, will help to enhance your interpersonal skills which inturn help you to influence and persuade others. Assertive, aggressive and passive behavior will help us to understand how well we balance these considerations Imagine, while at work you get a call from hospital that your friend as met with an accident. You've to there as soon as possible. So, you ask your manager to grant leave to attend your friend but your manager denies saying, "Project deadline is important and it is not possible to grant leave to you". In this situation, you would respond in three different ways.

Assertive, Aggressive Passive Phrases Statements Examples
Assertive, Aggressive Passive
Phrases Statements


You will fight with your manager saying, "You have no human emotions and you don't understand my situation. You are not fit to be a leader because you don't understand your team's problems. Whether you grant leave or not, I'm going to leave now because my friend is more important than project deadlines at this moment." Aggressive behavior is, "I'm right, you're wrong".

Funny Onomatopoeia Sentences Examples - Figure of Speech

Use of figure of speech during verbal communication, part of effective interpersonal skill, proves that you are are using language effectively, especially when you are persuading someone, giving a speech presentation. Onomatopoeia is one such figure of speech that not only add color to your language but also bring fun elemen. From popular public speakers to storytellers, stand up comedians to voice over artists, Onomatopoeia is one of the figure of speeches/rhetorical techniques that is used to bring both humor and conversation tone to the speech. In fact, kids love Onomatopoeias; Onomatopoeia is used by joke writers and humorists
Onomatopoeia Sentences, Statements Examples
Onomatopoeia Sentences, Statements Examples

What is Onomatopoeia?

Words that portray literal sound or the noise of an action. Most commonly used Onomatopoeia words include: Squash, Squeeze, Boom, Zoom, screech, vroom etc...

List of examples of simple common funny onomatopoeia sentences and statements used in everyday life situations:

Difference Between Constructive, Positive, Destructive, Negative Feedback with Examples

Giving and receiving feedback is both a science and an art. Intentions, communication style, right time and right place are some significant attributes behind an effective and efficient feedback. Feedback is important in both personal and professional life. Giving and receiving feedback in personal life includes parents, children, friends, relatives, and spouse (husband or wife). Performance appraisal feedback, interview feedback, peer feedback, coaching, training and presentation feedback
Difference Constructive, Positive, Destructive, Negative Feedback
Difference Constructive, Positive,
Destructive, Negative Feedback

Constructive Vs Destructive feedback

Constructive feedback focuses on the common goal while destructive feedback deviates from the common goal. For example, imagine, you are a manager and Mr. A and Ms.B are reports to you. Mr.A used offensive language on Ms.B and Ms.B complains about this conflict. If you tell Ms.B, “Ms B, if Mr.A used offensive language, you return it with offensive language, take revenge” is destructive feedback. On the other hand you tell Ms.B, “I will talk to Mr.A regarding this and take appropriate action. And, I’m very happy about your behavior during this conflict as you’ve behaved professionally by not using offensive language in return.” This is an example of constructive feedback. So, it is absolutely fine in many situations to give constructive negative feedback.

List of Intrapersonal Skills with Examples

Two famous people who did extensive work on intrapersonality are Howard Garner and David Kolb. It is one of the multiple intelligence theory proposed by Howard Garner, while different learning styles for proposed by David Kolb. One of the vital difference between intra and interpersonal skills is that intra-personal intelligence is to do with a behavior that is within a person while interpersonal ability is to do with understanding and comprehending others, people and situation around a person

List of Intrapersonal Skills
List of Intrapersonal Skills

What is an Intra personal Skill?

Your intrapersonal attitude reflects in your interpersonal behaviour and interactions. You should understand your own self before trying to understand others.Do you balance your intrapersonal communication among the above mnemonic? If no, consider them and change your perspective of thinking. If you always think optimistic, also consider being pessimistic so that risks are identified and fixed. If you are always empathetic, trying to find solutions, invent something new, relax! also divert your mind to cherish life. If you are always cherishing your life, try diverting your mind, be empathetic to see what better can be done to enhance your lifestyle.

Intrapersonal Value Conflict Resolution Examples

Besides being aware, you should use all your life coaching skills to initiate personal change or manage some of the common intrapersonal conflicts that happens in your everyday life.The different types of intrapersonal conflict can be broadly classified into [You (HEARTS) Others] mnemonic or equation

Intrapersonal Vs Interpersonal Conflict

Common intrapersonal conflicts include anger, guilt, social approval, and self-confidence while interpersonal conflict includes differences in empathizing and persuading others Emotions, Actions and Thoughts.

Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Conflicts  Examples List
Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Conflicts
Examples List
First let's define HEARTS that stands for:-

1.     Health
2.     Environment
3.     Aspirations
4.     Relationships
5.     Things
6.     Society

1) Health: It could be your mental health or physical health

Intrapersonal Communication Skills with Examples

Intrapersonal Communication Skills
Communication Skills
Intrapersonal communication is one of the self motivation skills, by mastering it you can resolve some of your common intrapersonal conflicts in your every day life situations and the different life roles you play. You can remember what and how intrapersonal communication happens using B OPEN to Cherish HEARTS mnemonic:

  • Belief
  • Optimistic
  • Pessimistic
  • Empathetic
  • Neutral
  • Cherish
  • Health
  • Environment
  • Aspirations
  • Relationships
  • Things
  • Society


Belief is the blind faith, trust, confidence that you have on something without proof or evidences.

It is one of the intrapersonal skills that is essential to lead an interesting personal life. A strong belief in yourself (Self Belief), others, things and situations around you can drive life. Most importantly, unlike science, belief system doesn't require any evidence or proofs.

SCAMPER Technique Examples, Creative Problem Solving and Brainstorming Technique

Nine out of ten designers would know SCAMPER mnemonic/acronym. It is not only popular in the world of engineering and design, but it is also creative applied in other fields of sciences and arts such as industrial innovation and visual arts. In business, in fact, it is one of the favorite tools for life coaches and business coaches during business meetings and training programs. It gives prominent results while conducting corporate brainstorming sessions or creative thinking and innovative business strategic planning workshops.

SCAMPER stands for:-

SCAMPER Technique Examples, Creative Problem Solving and Brainstorming Technique
SCAMPER Method Examples
Put to another use
Rearrange, Reverse

SCAMPER Examples: 

This mnemonic is applied to redesign your, delivery of presentation and, powerpoint presentation (PPT).


The visual look of the cell phone can be enhanced by replacing fiber skin with a metal one, variety of colors can be substituted instead of the regular monotonous shades. Or, it can also be replaced with one or more parts to invent a design.

List of Empathy Statements with Examples

Showing empathy is yet another vital interpersonal skills to build interesting human relationships. The two basic ways of expressing empathy is through effective verbal and non-verbal communication. One of the best ways to learn empathy skills is through customer service representatives, call center agents, sales executives and counselors. In fact, they go through a professional empathy training and presentations to learn the art of empathy. Though empathy skills is one of the common traits among customer service representative
Empathy Statements Examples List
Empathy Statements Examples List

What is Meant by Empathy?

Putting yourself in other person's shoes, think, feel, and provide solutions to the other person's problem is empathy. Listening with understanding and empathy is one of the characteristics of emphatic people. We exercise empathy the more challenges we face in our life

Creative Introduction Speech Examples - Presentation Attention Getters

Whether it is a welcome speech, a graduation speech, a persuasive speech or a farewell speech, this easy mnemonic will summarize all the introduction speech examples into one word; SPECTACLE. This mnemonic gives tips on how to start a speech and answers one of the most frequently asked questions by the budding public speakers; "How to write introductory speech" both on a funny note and on a persuasive note. Imparting an effective persuasive presentation is one of the vital elements of human relationship skills and to deliver a persuasive speech, you can remember this easy mnemonic SPECTACLE. This creative mnemonic gives tips and ideas on how to start a speech. It requires both effective interpersonal skills as well as effective interpersonal communication skills to give creative introduction.