Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Life Coaching Tips using Creative Mnemonic Devices

Creative Introduction Speech Examples - Presentation Attention Getters

Whether it is a welcome speech, a graduation speech, a persuasive speech or a farewell speech, this easy mnemonic will summarize all the introduction speech examples into one word; SPECTACLE. This mnemonic gives tips on how to start a speech and answers one of the most frequently asked questions by the budding public speakers; "How to write introductory speech" both on a funny note and on a persuasive note. Imparting an effective persuasive presentation is one of the vital elements of human relationship skills and to deliver a persuasive speech, you can remember this easy mnemonic SPECTACLE. This creative mnemonic gives tips and ideas on how to start a speech. It requires both effective interpersonal skills as well as effective interpersonal communication skills to give creative introduction.

Creative Attention Grabbers Examples
Creative Attention Grabbers Examples

Abbreviation for INTRODUCTION (INTRODUCE) is ideal for speech introduction and topic:

Ignite: Creative a Spark in your presentation using SPECTACLE Acronym
Need: Let the audience know the WIIFM: What's In It For Me
Topic: Tell them what topic will be covered in your speech/presentation
Range: Tell them how long each topic would be covered.
Objective: Illustrate your objective
Describe: Describe the methods of your presentation. For instance, videos, lecture, role-play and so on.
Urself: Introduce yourself about your education, experience and enthusiasm.
Credibility: Build credibility by portraying your expertise.
Expectations: Listen to your audience expectations.

List of attention catchers using SPECTACLE acronym that stands for:-

  1. Short Stories
  2. Proverbs
  3. Experience
  4. Current Affairs
  5. Theories, Laws, and Postulates
  6. Amusing Facts
  7. Clips, Images and Videos
  8. Laughing Jokes
  9. Evaluating Questions

Short Stories will make the Audience Curious

Any speech presentation under the earth will have a story. An introductory speech--even about yourself--that has an interesting story will grab others' attention at the very beginning of the presentation. An experienced presenter will write down some interesting stories about the topic that they are persuading.

"Our company founder, Mr. ABC was a frequent traveller and he used to travel to some of the coldest places in the world. To protect himself from cold he was searching for a sweater that is not only warm but also thin and light weight in order to satisfy his travel needs. To his dismay, he couldn't find any brand that sells thin and light weight sweaters and that is when he found a business opportunity and today this sweater that I'm selling is one of the lightest and thinnest sweaters in the world."


Nine out of ten creative introductory speeches will have inspiring quotes, famous sayings, and popular proverbs, figure or speech, literary devices and rhetoric devices as attention grabbers. Here is a sample presentation introduction that goes with a proverb:

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, Abdolkarim Soroush once rightly said "People first concern themselves with meeting their basic needs; only afterwards, do they pursue any higher needs." We are in a business that satisfies one of the basic human needs; clothes.

Experience adds Human Touch

Narrating your own positive experience brings credibility and trust among the audience. Describing and relating the topic to an incident that you have gone through will be helpful especially while delivering a persuasive presentation. Or simply starting the presentation by giving genuine compliments. For this, you have good intrapersonal skills to see how you feel about your personal experience.

One of the persuasive speech examples of an insurance sales agent is illustrated below:

"I myself met with an accident two years before and this medical policy gave me a cashless facility at one of the nearest hospitals"

This speech sample simply talks about how this medical policy helped the insurance agent in his/her own life.

Current Affairs is Hot and Fresh and is ready to be Served to the Customers

You should seek information that is very recent and updated about you topic. Newspapers, magazines, online resources and journals are the primary sources to get information on current affairs.

Theories, Laws, and Postulates is yet Another Example of an Informative Speech

Historical evidences and time tested proofs serve as one of the best creative persuading tools. You can also use scientific evidences and theories to support your presentation.
An example of an automotive salesperson selling Antilock Breaking system

"The third law of Newton says 'For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Our antilock breaking system works on this principle. I will tell you how it works when you apply breaks in your car"

So, laws, theories, postulates, historical evidences are some informative speech ideas that are used by lectures, professors and scientists.

Amusing Facts Keeps the Customers at the Edge of their Seats

Amusing facts include astonishing figures and statistics to support your persuasion.


"Do you know that by the time I finish talking about this product in the next 15 minutes, there will be 70 products sold across the world"

Clips, Videos and Audios gives Shape to an Informative Speech

Video clips are the best way to show something rather than telling about it. Use of clips, flowcharts and diagrams in your presentation. Besides good oral and voice skills, use of media can grab the attention of the audience.

Laughing Jokes is one of the Introduction Speech Examples for all kinds of Speeches

One of the uniqueness of humans is laughter. It is worth spending time researching humor elements on your topic. With a little effort, every other speech could be designed with appropriate humor elements, jokes and anecdotes. You can also use figures of speech such as alliteration, anaphora, procatalepsis, and onomatopoeia to bring humor in your presentation. However, these jokes should not end up as a verbal communication barrier.

Evaluating Questions to know about your Prospect

Interpersonal skills is one of the vital elements to build fascinating human relationship. Besides good rapport building phrases and using transition statements, empathy statements and questions are yet another way to build interesting relationship with others. You can use some of the most common types of questions such as open ended, close ended and empathy questions. However, care must be taken that the questions are not deviating from the intentions and objectives of your presentation.

Here is a sample introduction sales speech that use evaluating questions
"How many of you are mechanical engineers?" prospects raise their hands. "How many of you have experience in Pro-e software?" few prospects raise their hand, "So, only 20 percent of you have experienced this software. Let me tell you some of the features and benefits of this wonderful software..."

What is Not Attention Getter

Attention grabbers are not:
  • Verbal fillers/speech fillers
  • Transition Statement
  • Rapport Building Statements
  • Judgmental statements
  • Redundant statements

Use Attention Getters

You can use attention grabbers both in personal and professional life:


when you're:
  • showing empathy
  • persuading someone
  • When you're recieving/giving compliments


  • during a sales call or handling customer service
  • when you're building rapport
  • giving/receiving feedback
  • handling interpersonal conflict

Make Attention Grabbers Effective

To make your attention getters more effective you can use these verbal communication tools:
  • Figure of speech and rhetorical devices
  • Effective questioning and listening skills
  • Behavior skills such as patience, perseverance
Whether you'd like to persuade or to empathize with someone, introduction plays a vital role. To give a creative persuasive speech, you must have both effective verbal communication skills, such as using eloquent English language like use of figure of speech and prosody, well as product knowledge. Introduction Speech Examples, sometimes called intro of speeches, is an opportunity to create the first impression in any presentation. You should draft a speech outline to include relevant introduction to attract the attention of the audience. SPECTACLE simply summarizes introduction speech ideas. This mnemonic can be creatively used even in call centers, sales presentations or even in your everyday real life conversations.
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See Also

List of Judgmental WordsVAK Mnemonic: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic
List of Onomatopoeia Sentences: Vroom, Squeeze, Screech