Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Life Coaching Tips using Creative Mnemonic Devices

Persuasive Speech Conclusion Transitions Examples

Interesting presentation conclusion is one of the top elements of a persuasive speech presentation.
Professional sales training programs should have a good introduction, body and conclusion. sales  trainers can use mnemonics, which is one of the most commonly used memory tricks, to remember how to conclude a presentation during corporate trainings, motivational workshops and management skills trainings. SPANER mnemonic acts as a checklist on how to end a presentation effectively.

SPANER stands for:

1. Summary
2. Personal information
3. Attendance and feedback
4. Notes and materials
5. Energy
6. References
Presentation Summary
Many corporate training last for one full day or sometimes run for a week or two. It is ideal to give a brief summary towards the end of each business management training programs so that participants can recall the entire training program. Here is an example of one of the motivational workshops where a corporate soft skill trainer summarized the topic:

"We have almost come to an end of the presentation. Now, anyone who quickly summarizes the 10 most important key points of this corporate management training program will get a small gift"

Personal Information to Keep in Touch
With social networking getting so popular these days, corporate trainers can exchange office address, telephone numbers, email ids, social networking profiles before concluding a presentation. On one hand, exchanging personal information encourages the participants to keep in touch so that any doubts or clarification could be cleared even after a training program; On the other hand, corporate trainers take this opportunity to send newsletters and updates on the topic of discussion.
Presentation Feedback and Attendance
Many business firms insist the management trainers to maintain attendance and feedback after every business training programs. Maintaining attendance has two benefits:
1. It serves as a record of participation
2. It helps in tracking the learning curve of the participant.
On the other hand, feed back helps in identifying what went well and what needs improvement in training.
Presentation Notes and Materials
It is quite common to end a presentation by distributing notes and materials such as literature, lecture and handouts to the participants so future reference. In many corporate management training programs, the training administrator takes printouts of the notes to ensure that every participant gets one copy.
Energetic and Enthusiastic Presentation
Besides good technical skills, a trainer should not only have passion, energy and enthusiasm while conducting a corporate training session but also sustain it till the end of the presentation. Here is one example presentation speech on how to end a presentation with good energy:

The trainer says, cheerfully,

"I hope all of you enjoyed the presentation. It has been my pleasure to be part of this great management team and I had both fun and inspiration all through the session. Thanks a lot for your cooperation".

Presentation Reference
Other than corporate management training notes and materials, many trainers take an extra step to suggest good books, cds, dvds, newsletters, journals, websites, and blogs of the related management topic. This helps the participants to broaden their knowledge on the subject.

So, this simple mnemonic device, SPANER, can remind any sales trainer on how to close a presentation speech or conclude a presentation.

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