Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Life Coaching Tips using Creative Mnemonic Devices

Blogspot SEO Tips and Tricks Examples Types List

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make your blogspot blog more SEO friendly, call it Search Engine Optimized. I follow the below steps to make my blogspot SEO friendly:

1. Choice of your Blogspot Address or Blog Domain

Your blog address must address the niche topics that your blog posts content will contain.


My blog talks about two important niche, life coaching and blogging. so it says, ""

2. Choice of your Blogspot Title

Ideally your Blogspot address (domain) and your title should be same. 

3. Niche Keywords in your Blogspot Header

Your niche blogspot spot content keywords should appear in the header of your Blogspot.


Most of my blog posts talks about 7 important niche blog content keywords:
  1. Life coaching (Life Coach)
  2. Intrapersonal skills
  3. Interpersonal skills
  4. List
  5. Examples
  6. Blogspot
  7. Mnemonic Devices
My entire blog content revolve around these 7 IMPORTANT NICHE keywords.

How to do it: go to blogger dashboard > Layout > Header > fill the, "Blog title" and "Blog Description"

4. Enable Meta Tags of your Blogspot

Yes, you have to enable it manually. 

How to do it:

go to blogger dashboard > settings > Search preference > Meta Tags > description > click, "Edit" and say, "Yes" to, "Enable search description?" and save changes

SEO Optimized Blogspot Blogger Tips and Tricks

5. Change Blogspot Settings for SEO

Go to blogger dashboard > Settings > Basic > change the, "Title", "Description" into SEO friendly keywords > change the, "Privacy", say, "Yes" to, "Add your blog into our listings" and "Let search engines find your blog" > and then go to, "Blog Readers" and ensure you've ticked, "Public"

Google Blogger Blospot SEO
Google Blogger Blogspot SEO


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