Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Life Coaching Tips using Creative Mnemonic Devices

Expository Speech Outline Format with Examples

A speaker can remember this easy--to-recall mnemonic, PEACE mnemonic before writing any expository speech . PEACE mnemonic, helps to summarize some of the most common elements of an expository speech Outline Format:

  1. Process
  2. Example
  3. Analogy
  4. Compare, Contrast, Cause, Consequence, Classification
  5. Explain/Define Expository Speeches that Elucidate


Students will be asked to explain a process by showing procedures, course of development or a logical manner of progress of a given topic.

Examples of Expository speech topics based on process
Explain the process of photosynthesis.Explain the development HIV in humans.Elucidate the means of human organ development.Describe the procedure for nominating a candidate in the election.An Expository

Presentation that Demands More Examples

Topics that demand speakers to provide more examples to support the discussion is one common type of expository speech ideas that often appears in technical speeches.

Few common expository topics include:
Provide five common instances team managers handling challenging situations at office.Give ten examples of human intervention that made a big impact on environment.Discuss some common scenarios where people get good opportunities to build healthy relationships.

Analogy Takes the Familiar to Explain the Unfamiliar

A lecturer explained the entire concept of electricity by relating it to water, pipe and tap.

He goes,
"Imagine a pipe connected to a overhead tank on one end and a closed tap on the other end. Now, the pressure inside the pipe is the voltage, and the moment the tap is opened that is when the potential difference..."
Another example of analogy used by a music teacher
"Playing music is like driving a car. You must concentrate on the clutch, the accelerator, and the brakes to have a safe journey. similarly, you must know how to use volume, pitch and rhythm while playing a good music."

Compare and Contrast Expository Essays

Comparing is finding the similarity and contrast is finding the difference. There are two to ways to organize compare and contrast expository presentation speech. One, AAAAABBBBB... or, Two, ABABABAB...

Sample of compare and contrast expository speech:


There are similarities and differences between humans and dogs. Both humans and dogs have two eyes, one nose, and two ears; while differences are dogs have a visible tail, walk on four legs and hangs its tongue out, but humans do not.


Humans have no or invisible tail but dogs have visible tail, humans keep their tongue enclosed inside the mouth but dogs hang its tongue outside.

Cause and Consequence yet another Common Outline

This type of outline is often referred as cause and effect outline. Here the causes and its effect are illustrated to understand the relationship between two entities

Example of cause and effect expository presentation:

When electric current is passed through a copper wire electricity is generated because copper wire is a good conductor of electricity.

Expository Speeches also Comprises Classification

In this type of expository speech, speakers classify, divide and organize the given topic.

Example topics include:
Classify human anatomy
Classify different types of fruits
Classify different types of engines and elaborate its importance 

Expository Speech Explains or Defines a Concept

In fact, this would top the list in the expository presentation methods. Speakers will define an idea, a concept or a term, and most scientific topics falls under this category

Sample topics:
Define the term osmosis
Define electromagnetic radiation
Explain corporate strategy

Even the most complex ideas, theories and concepts can be memorized using simple mnemonic devices. All that it takes to use mnemonic devices is passion and perseverance. For a speaker, organizing the content is one of the basic elements of an effective presentation. Informative and Expository speech outline format is one of the standard ways to organize any speech or sales presentation.

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