Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Life Coaching Tips using Creative Mnemonic Devices

Bring Personal Change in Life with Real Life Examples

Once the goal of bringing the change is achieved, tracking them helps to identify whether the desired result was achieved or not. From the above examples, the team manager should track whether the team associate is getting along with Ms Smith. And the father should track whether his daughter actually reduced the usage of cell phone.

Mnemonic devices are both simple and interesting as well as very useful not only for school students but also for business executives such as managers, team leaders and sales professionals. COATS is a business mnemonic that helps to recall different techniques to manage change both in personal and business life.

Change management is one of the vital life skills which is as important as soft skills and behavioral skills for almost every individual.

COATS mnemonic stand for:

• Cherish the change
• Other consideration
• Aim/Goal oriented
• Track changes
• Slow down

Creating and Bringing Change by Putting Aim/Goals in Place

Goals could be divided into short term and long term. To bring change, one must clearly write down the goals for better clarity.


If a manager want to bring change in the social behavior of his/her team members. Clear short term and long term goals should be listed:
I want my team members:
• To use pleasant, courteous and kind words when they interact with the customers
• To dress appropriately and professionally during the business client meet.
• Have a friendly smiling face during department meetings.
Once the goals are written down, it is easy to find ways to achieve each goal step by step.

Inspiring Leaders Consider Others' Learning Curve While Bringing Social Change

Some people are quickly adapt while others take time to adapt. A good leader would understand this dynamics and take careful steps to address sensitive issues, yet bring the change in smooth and charming manner.

Example of change management by considering others:

A short conversation between a team leader with a team member

Team leader: “I’d like you to work with Ms Smith from next week”
Team Member: “That would be difficult”
Team leader: “May I know why?”
Team member: “Most of the time we have difference in opinions and I feel she is too sensitive”
Team Leader: “For a month, all three of us can work together and I will help you till you get accustomed to Ms Smith”
Team Member: “Yes, that would definitely help”

Slow and Steady Wins the Change Race

Since creating a social change involves others feelings, emotions, actions and behavior, one must slow down, take one goal at a time, so that there is a smooth transition while bringing the change.

Example of change management by a parent and a kid:

Father likes his daughter to take up music classes and yoga classes, cut the time down on watching TV, and reduce the usage of mobile phone. To bring these changes, father can take one goal at a time. For instance, in the first month, father can suggest her daughter to reduce the usage of mobile phone. See the change progress. And slowly, once this goal is achieved, father can move to the next goal of cutting the habit of watching TV and so on.

Cherish the Change

Once the goal of bringing the change is achieved, one can relax and cherish the change. Enjoy the sense of fulfillment and contentment before moving on to the next goal of creating change.

Track the Change

Once the goal of bringing the change is achieved, tracking them helps to identify whether the desired result was achieved or not. From the above examples, the team manager should track whether the team associate is getting along with Ms Smith. And the father should track whether his daughter actually reduced the usage of cell phone.

From a homemaker to the CEO of a company, a job seeker to a successful sales professional, adapting to change and managing change is one of the inspiring attitudes that is expected during social and business events. COATS is a simple mnemonic--to formulate a mnemonic, though time consuming, is easy--that takes only few moments to recall but stays in the long term memory once consciously memorized.

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