Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Life Coaching Tips using Creative Mnemonic Devices

Examples of Honesty in Real Everyday Life

Anyone who uses mnemonic devices as a learning technique get two vital benefits; one can retain the information in the long term memory and have the advantage of retrieving the information from the memory almost immediately. CLANP is one such mnemonic device to recall the traits of honesty.

CLANP briefs how to be honest:

Choose words
Negative vs positive

An honest Person Chooses Words

Words used while talking to a child is different from the words used while talking to an adult. Similarly, usage and choice of words also depends on the gender, geography, education level and personality. Honest people think before they speak, picks right words so that the information is exchanged without hurting the other party.

Example: while talking a differently-abled a person, one can use words like physically challenged or definitely-abled rather than using words such as physically handicapped.

Listening is one of the Traits of being Honest

Many think that having good communication skills is speaking well with right words, but one should also remember that listening is yet another element of communication that sometimes speak more than words.

Example: an honest customer service executive will listen to all issues from the customer without interrupting.

Ask Honest Questions to Answer Honest

Asking questions will make the conversation interactive. There are several types of questions such as open ended, close ended, emotional, and probing questions to name a few.

Example: a manager can ask his/her subordinate honest questions to know how satisfied the team member is.

An honest Person would Replace Negative Words with Positive

All it takes is a little planning and organization of thoughts before uttering the words. Use of positive or neutral words without altering the essence of the message is trait of good conversationalists.

Example: One can replace the “No Problem” in their daily language with “That’s fine”, which still gives the intended message.

Honesty means being Polite too

Tone of the language makes a big difference while speaking. List of interesting tone of language include, polite, friendly, kind, courteous, considerate, civiled, well-mannered, gracious and chivalrous.

Example: Firing is an inevitable process in many organizations and the team leaders and managers can use polite and courteous language while informing the job termination news to the team member.

Mnemonic devices are one of the best study tools as it lets students, business executives and speakers—in fact, almost anyone--to remember even the most complex ideas into simple easy-to-recall code word, phrase or a sentence. CLANP is yet another mnemonic device that will remind everyone about being honest.

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