Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Life Coaching Tips using Creative Mnemonic Devices

How to Calm Down Techniques and Real Life Everyday Examples

Calming Down using a Simple Mnemonic Technique
Remembering, recalling and repeating are some of the secrets of having a good memory. SALAD is a simple mnemonic device to remember how to calm down oneself during disturbing situations. SALAD mnemonic comes handy not only during competing business situations, but also while handling dearest relationships and strong decision making circumstances.

Words and phrases such as "Calm down bro", "Relax please", "Be cool", "Just calm down", "I need to calm down", are quite frequently heard during hot conversations. Though there are meditation techniques, breathing exercises and medications available, few people creatively handle situations merely through inspiring behavior and interesting attitude. They not only understand and reflect on the conflicting issues, but also adapt by altering their social skills such as voice, tone and verbal communication. Kind words, polite phrases and soft voice are considered as some of the best ways to calm a person down.

SALAD is one of the good ways to calm down that stands for:
•           Silent
•           Accept it
•           Laugh
•           Abscond
•           Divert
How to Calm Yourself Down? Be Silent
Some rightly said, "Silence is Golden". However, being silent at the right time is an art and some people are good at it. Many disturbing situations either get resolved by themselves or take a different angle of perception when silence is maintained. In fact, it gives time and allows a person to think, reflect and respond to the conflicting situations.
One of the Best Ways to Calm Down is to Just Accept
By analyzing the situation, if it is prominent that things cannot be changed. One can just calm down just by accepting it and living with it.

An example of a manager who applies calming down technique during a business meeting

Team member: "This task cannot be done"
Manager, politely, "May I know, why? The customers are already raging at us for the delay of this task?"
Team Member, "The supervisor has to approve the document, but is on a vacation. We will have to wait until he returns."
Manager calms down by just accepting the fact of the issue.
Tips to Calm Down, Smile or Laugh
Research says that laughing is contagious. Sometimes, people calm down in no time when humor is applied at the right time.

Dad calms down her 6 year old daughter during a hot conversation

Daughter, angrily, "I hate you dad"
Dad: "You look cute when you are angry"
Daughter calms down, "Really, even my friends say that"
Calming Down by Absconding (Leave the Place), Politely Though.
Some people leave the place politely leaving the place, which is one of the best non-verbal communication skills, to show the differences in opinion. In many business meeting situations, executives and managers, who have contradicting opinions, calm themselves down by leaving the meeting room respectfully.
Calm Down! Calm Down! Divert
People say statements like, "Let us forget about this issue for sometime now" or "Can we talk about something else, please" to show that they need more time or to avoid the further discussion.

Emotionally getting diverted by reading books, listening to music, or watching a movie are some of the best ways to calm oneself down.

Other things to do to calm oneself down include:
1.         Talking to a close friend (other than the topic of concern)
2.         Working on a hobby
3.         Helping others

Whether at work or at home, SALAD will remind almost everybody who wants to calm their nerves down and it takes only few seconds to memorize this simple mnemonic device.

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